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Witas Oy

Business consultation services

Business consultation services in Viitasaari

If you are an entrepreneur in Viitasaari or planning to become an entrepreneur, we will guide you free of charge at all stages of the company’s life cycle, regardless of the industry or company form. We are here to help you in all different company stages from start up to growth to changes of ownership.

We provide development counseling and financial advisory. If you have a business idea, our business developers will coach the idea further with you. You will get help in clarifying your business plans and choosing a suitable company form. You will receive advice on the development of an existing company, applying for funding for investment and development projects, relocation to Viitasaari and suitable business premises.

Our services are free of charge for entrepreneurs and companies operating and located in Viitasaari.


Yritysidean sparraus

Yrityksen perustaminen-Witas

Yrityksen perustaminen


Kasvu, kehittäminen ja rahoitus




Omistajan- ja sukupolvenvaihdos


Muutos- ja vakauttamistilanne


Maatilayrityksen neuvonta

Book an appointment for a personal and free business consultation meeting

You can arrange a business advisory meeting at our office, at your company’s own premises or remotely. Book a personal and free consultation appointment with a business developer through the electronic appointment booking system.

Elina Mäkinen

Business developer
puh. 040 714 4505